Sphere-Being Alliance Channel

The Last Avatar Movie Trailer

THE LAST AVATAR - NOW ON GAIA.COM and DVD http://www.gaia.com/sacredmysteries SEE THE LAST AVATAR AND ALL OF SACREDMYSTERIES FILMS ON GAIA OR PURCHASE THE DVD at www.sacredmysteries.com Written and directed by Jay Weidner, Produced by Sharron Rose, Starring Alexander Polinsky as Jack O’Ryan and Neale Donald Walsch as Count St. Germain www.thelastavatarmovie.com WE ARE BECOMING CONSCIOUS OF OUR POWER TO REMAKE THE WORLD The Last Avatar is a spiritual adventure film. It is the story of a young man who leaves Hollywood to find himself. What he finds is beyond his wildest imagination. Based on ancient prophecy, contemporary truth seeking and the future of spirituality, The Last Avatar is a film that takes transformational and spiritual themes and makes them exciting for audiences of all ages. Filled with love, magic, mystery, conspiracy, psychics, underground cities, secret societies, light bodies and much more, The Last Avatar tells the story of the discovery and emergence of Kalki Avatar- the final Avatar of our current Age of Chaos. Kalki is also a metaphor for the innate power and potential that lies within humanity to awaken and create a world of truth, harmony and possibility. Written and Directed by Jay Weidner (Director of the Seeking Truth Channel for Gaiamtv, director of Kubrick’s Odyssey and Infinity: The Ultimate Trip), produced by Sharron Rose (2012 The Odyssey, Timewave 2013), the film stars Alexander Polinsky (Charles in Charge, Saints and Soldiers), Adey, Bob Jackson Miner, Monique Trinity Rose, Doug Warner, Sharron Rose and Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations With God), as the legendary Count St. Germain. www.sacredmysteries.com https://www.facebook.com/thelastavatarmovie @ShastaStyle @LastAvatarMovie

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The Last Avatar Movie Trailer

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